Lovely Themes
I have created these CSS files, known as themes, for TiVoWeb.
As yet, they have not been tested in TiVoWebPlus.
To install the Main Themes, copy the CSS files to the TiVoWeb root directory,
( often /var/hack/tivoweb-tcl ).
They will then show up on the Theme Page, where you can take your pick.
Main Themes
LovelyBlue Theme For TiVoWeb
LovelyBlue Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyBlue2 Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyBlue2 Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyLilac Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyLilac Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyGreen Theme For TiVoWeb
LovelyGreen Theme For TiVoWeb

LovelyGreen2 Theme For TiVoWeb
LovelyGreen2 Theme For TiVoWeb