Function Keys

F1 Activates the Help system.
Ctrl+F1 Activates the Spell Checker (equivalent to Tools|Spell Check).
F2 Activates Edit mode so you can change a cell entry.
Shift+F2 Activates Debug mode so you can execute a macro step by step.
Alt+F2 Displays the Tools|Macro|Play dialogue box.
Ctrl+F2 Activates the Formula Composer (equivalent to Tools|Formula Composer).
F3 When you are prompted for a block, or in Edit mode with the insertion point positioned after an operator, press F3 to display a list of block names. To expand the list of block names to show their coordinates, press the Expand key (+). Press the Contract key (-) to remove coordinates. Press F3 again to "zoom" the names list to full screen or to shrink it back down.
Shift+F3 Displays a list of available macros, by category.
Alt+F3 In Value or Edit mode, displays a list of @functions, by category.
Ctrl+F3 Lets you create a named block; the keyboard equivalent of Block|Names.
F4 In Edit, Value, or Point mode, makes the cell address to the left of the cursor absolute. Press repeatedly to cycle through the eight absolute combinations; for example, $A:$B$4, $A:B$4. You can use F4 when entering or editing a formula. You can also use it in Point mode without disturbing the position of the selector.
Alt+F4 Exits Quattro Pro.
Ctrl+F4 Closes a window (notebook, dialogue box, graph window, Light Table window, or dialogue window).
F5 Moves the selector to a specified cell address.
Shift+F5 Works like the SpeedTab button; displays the Objects page, then returns to a spreadsheet page.
Alt+F5 Switches Group mode on and off.
F6 If the window is split into two panes, jumps to the other pane.
Ctrl+F6 Displays the next open window.
F7 Repeats the previous Query command.
Shift+F7 Press Shift+F7 and use the arrow keys to select a block of text in Ext mode.
F8 Repeats the last Tools|Numeric Tools|What-If command.
F9 In Ready mode, recalculates the notebook. In Edit mode, calculates and then displays result of formulas on the input line. For example, if you type 8*9 on the input line, then press F9, Quattro Pro replaces the formula with the result, 72. To recalculate the entire notebook afterwards, press F9 again in Ready mode.
F10 Works like / or Alt; moves the selector to the menu bar.
F11 Displays the current graph (equivalent to Graphics|View Graph). Press Esc to return to the notebook.
F12 Displays an Object Inspector for the selected object.
Shift+F12 Displays an Object Inspector for the active window.
Alt+F12 Displays the application Object Inspector.

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