Save, Close and Open Files

There are buttons on the ToolBar for staring a new NoteBook, opening and saving NoteBooks. These tasks and others are found under the [File] menu.

Save File Dialogue

Saving for the First Time

The first time you choose Save in a file, the Save File dialogue box will appear, prompting for the correct drive, directory and file name. This is the standard Windows format of dialogue box. Make sure you are in the correct drive (h:\) and directory before you save (it will be written and indicated as it is in the figure to the right).

The file name should be up to 8 characters long. Quattro Pro will automatically add the extension '.wb2' to the file name so that Windows knows it is a Quattro Pro file.

Closing a File

Close the file by closing the NoteBook window (double click the control button) or choose [Close] under the [File] menu. If you have not saved the file you will be prompted to do so.

Opening a File

Click the Open button on the ToolBar or select [Open] under the [File] menu. Change to the correct drive and directory as necessary. To change the drive letter, click the down arrow to the right of the drive and select the new drive letter. Change directory by double clicking the directory names, or double click the first entry ending ':\' (eg h:\) to go back to the beginning of that drive.

Subsequent Saves

Subsequent saves will overwrite the filename, so the SaveAs dialogue box will not appear. If you want to save the file under a different name, or in a different directory, choose [SaveAs] under the [File] menu.

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