Table of Contents
Keys Used by Infoe | What is Infoe? | People | Creating Selections | Real Examples of Selections
Source Codes | Selection Output | Running Selections | Selection Results | Fulfilments | Answers
Title Page


InFoE is a computerised database system which stores information about our supporters
(including prospects).

Financial, fundraising, marketing and campaigning information can be held and manipulated
within the InFoE system.

The database stores:-

  • Names and addresses of supporters and prospects, including their origin, contact availability.
  • Each of their payments (gifts) to FoE, including date, amount, appeal (source code), purpose (donation, membership etc).
  • Each of their pledged commitments (pledges) to FoE, including standing orders, direct debits, cash membership, covenants and payroll giving schemes.
  • Cash memberships - people who have taken out membership through cash (incl cheque)
  • Every mass communication from FoE to that supporter.
  • Other reference data.


Urn is an acronym meaning Unique Reference Number. This is the unique number given to each of FoE's supporters. This number is used in the Selection System to identify people and organisations held in the InFoE database. Urns begin at the number 1. New supporters are assigned a unique urn automatically by the InFoE system. The most efficient method of retrieving a supporter from the InFoE is via the urn.

Table of Contents
Keys Used by Infoe | What is Infoe? | People | Creating Selections | Real Examples of Selections
Source Codes | Selection Output | Running Selections | Selection Results | Fulfilments | Answers
Title Page